Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 29, 2008

I'm sorry it's been over a week since the last update, but we've been really busy. This post was actually started last Wednesday evening and I am just now getting around to finishing it up.

Praise God, everybody!
Applaud God, all people!
His love has taken over our lives;
God’s faithful ways are eternal.
Psalm 117 (The Message)

My folks are planning a lot of changes for our future and they've been really busy. Plus it takes a fair amount of time to make sure I'm well cared for, which they do faithfully. The last two Mondays I've been to the hospital to have some blood drawn for testing. There's nothing wrong and I'm doing well. Dr. Lozano needed to get a fix on how my blood work looked over a week's time to see if I could dump one of my meds. He called Mommy on Tuesday and told her my labs were good and I might come off some more of my meds at our next visit, PRAISE!! The quicker I can get off each medicine the better. I'm sleeping a little more at night and my appetite is gaining more consistency. I still have room for improvement in both areas, but I'm heading in the right direction, PRAISE!!

This week has been full of meeting some new and some old friends. My adopted uncle Darren, from Cali, flew in for a conference and we got to hang a couple of evenings. One of those nights a friend of his and my folks, Mr. Eddie, came with him. It was cool to meet him even if he wouldn't hold me until I get a little older. Mr. Eddie was really sick some years ago and he knows what it's like to be on a vent and to have to "learn" to breath. So we share a special bond. Another person I met is a really sweet lady named Cokeisha, I call her aunt Co-Co. She and her hubby, Tim, are ministers in New York. They too were in town for the conference and I got to hang with her one night while Mr. Tim was caring for his folks in Tuscaloosa. I look forward to meeting him in the future, like when we go for a visit to the BIG Apple (hint, hint).

Last Thursday I had a play date at my house. It seems we Presbyterians have a lot of babies and another new baby and Mommy from church spent the afternoon with Mommy and me. Sarah Kate and I stared at each other a lot, had a bottle drinking contest, played the role of baby models, and hung out with our Moms. It was COOL!! On Friday Mrs. Shari came by for an afternoon visit. It was good to see her again. She has four children and has had the sniffles for what seems like forever so she hasn't been able to visit until now. She's a nurse and has been really helpful to us. Plus she and her hubby, Sgt. Brian, have really helped us out with clothes and good advice on what you need and don't need.

So, as you can see, I've been busy! Below are some video clips Mommy and Daddy took of me being me. I hope you enjoy and I'll try to post sometime in the near future, LOL! Blessings, JSR.

This clip is of me passing the time in my bouncy seat. It's a little long (6:01), but it has some good close up shots.

This one is a little shorter (3:10). BTW, the sweet voice you hear in the clips is my Mommy, just in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I can ever rid my house of the cold bug I will come see you and your mommy too! Glad to hear an update.